Commonly Used Links
Sayéik Parent Teacher Organization
Sayéik Gastineau Community Group is our school’s parent group which focuses on fundraising for special programs that benefit the school while building its community. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:45 PM. Find out more by calling the school at: 907-796-5075
School Information
Stacy Diouf, Principal
School Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
(Monday - early release school out at 2:00)
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Phone: (907) 796-5075 Fax: (907) 463-1997
RALLY: (907) 796-5033 or (907) 796-5385 Rally Hours: 2:30pm - 6:00pm
JSD Integrated Peers & KinderReady Preschool Programs
Our Integrated Peers & KinderReady Preschool Programs applications are currently closed for the 2024-25 school year. If you have preschool questions you may review our JSD Preschool Application FAQs document. You may also contact Molly Barnes (